About Me.

Carolyn’s Story

I’m not your average personal trainer. I’m dedicated to helping women who are overwhelmed and intimidated…”

Fifteen years ago, I found myself in a difficult spot. I had lived a life of giving to others first – my children, grandchildren, friends, the community – but left little time to care for myself. On the cusp of menopause and overweight, I felt like there was no hope left for the future. At a heartbreaking size 24, depression set in, and I quickly discovered how alcohol could numb the pain of feeling worthless. I completely lacked confidence. I didn’t see a way out. But then I had a wake-up call. I realised that if I didn’t change my eating habits and get my body moving, I was destined for an early grave. I had to take action.

I made one visit to the local gym, which utterly overwhelmed and intimidated me, but I knew I had to find a way back to health and happiness. So, I found a trainer who didn’t judge me and who understood my insecurities. Within 9 months, I had lost that 30kg. This experience completely turned my life around. I went from deeply depressed to full of joy and energy.

The inspiration behind New Horizon Fitness

This inspired my desire to transform the lives of other women as well. Consequently, I became a certified personal trainer, a weight loss consultant and a weight management practitioner. My credentials include: 

  • Certified Personal Trainer (14 years)
  • Weight Loss Practitioner
  • Weight Loss Consultant
  • Certified Food Coach
  • Accredited Menofitness Trainer
  • Menopause Coaching Specialist (studies under way)

Dedicated to helping women who are overwhelmed or intimated by the gym culture due to their age, size, or personal challenges, I established up a fitness studio with modern, high quality equipment built on two acres of private gardens in Highland Park on the Gold Coast. Here, I work with clients with a diverse range of challenges – menopause, depression, anxiety, divorce, chronic illness or pain, and even poor self-esteem. 

When you visit New Horizon Fitness and my fitness studio, you’ll receive more than just weight management and personal training support. You’ll also be supported emotionally every step of the way, ensuring your confidence grows, as will your newfound strength in the gym!

Why work with me

My qualifications and personal experience help provide me with insight into what you may need to reach your goals. As a weight management practitioner and personal trainer, I can support you in feeling healthier, happier and confident. My motivation for pursuing this career was to help women feel strong, healthy, and empowered – no matter how far the other side of forty they are! 

With me, you’ll get fitness, food, and self-help plans tailored specially for your unique needs. Together, we can transform how you feel and look. 

Ready to transform your life?

Get in touch with me for a free consultation. Let’s discuss your goals, and how I can help you to achieve them.

If you’re not ready to commit, that’s alright. Perhaps you would be interested in one of my E-books which will help guide you.

I hope to meet you soon.

I highly recommend Carolyn as a personal trainer, mentor and friend.” – Sue

my Services

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