Here is a great workout for you to try today, this week, or even at the weekend! But – just try it!!
It’s a challenging workout, so work at your best pace to finish (with correct form). The workout itself will take about 30-35 minutes, so with your warm-up, cool-down and stretching, you maybe looking at about 40-45 minutes total.
Ultimate Challenge
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes (for example: fast walking, slow bodyweight exercises, skipping)
For time: 30 minutes – various modifications are provided for a few of the exercises. Remember to SCALE DOWN where necessary.
- 500 metre run, jog or fast walk
- 30 box jumps OR 30 step-ups ( on each side) OR 30 body weight squats
- 30 walking lunges (30 per side)
- 30 pushups – wall, knees or on your toes
- 30 burpees OR squat jumps
1 minute rest
- 400 metre run, jog or fast walk
- 20 box jumps OR 30 step-ups ( on each side) OR 30 body weight squats
- 20 walking lunges (30 per side)
- 20 pushups – wall, knees or on your toes
- 20 burpees OR squat jumps
1 minute rest
- 300 metre run, jog or fast walk
- 30 box jumps OR 30 step-ups ( on each side) OR 30 body weight squats
- 30 walking lunges (30 per side)
- 30 pushups – wall, knees or on your toes
- 30 burpees OR squat jumps
Record your time!! The next time you do this workout, try and knock a few seconds or minutes off your workout.
Stretch, stretch, stretch!!!